Adver 'TEASE ME' ent!

Welcome the all new, all singing & dancing blog dedicated to the art of Adver 'TEASE ME' nt. Despite the protestations of the woolly jumper wearing Alpen crunchers - sex sells and most of my stuff sticks two slightly mucky fingers up in the faces of the self-rightous eyebrow raisers. Up Yours! If a good old dose of cheeky & cheesy smut offends your delicate sensibilities then turn away now! For everyone else, feel free to comment - I'll be adding new stuff regularly with my own tongue in cheek take on the slightly less subtle art of Adver 'TEASE ME' ent....if you want to see more of my stuff (I 'aint no one trick pony I tells ya), feel free to have a gander at my other scribblings at

Monday 16 April 2007

♣ Camel...Pleasure the Groove

In these times dominated by PC wetbacks, it's refreshing to cast a nostalgic eye back to the days when a movie starlet could smoke a cigarette without courting outrage amongst the suburban tree-huggers! Camel....Pleasure the Groove is my own personal homage to the 1940s combined with the heady days of cigarette advertising...oh, and a perfect excuse for a knicker shot (not that you really need one).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There has been a shortage of water in the southwest, but George Bush says he has been helping the situation by creating a surplus of wetbacks!